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Why You Need An About Us Page That Rocks

Why you need an about us page that rocks

February 4th, 2020

The importance of your website's About Us page

When someone lands on your website and doesn’t know much about you or your business where do they go? Your About Us page. After your Home page, it is the second most visited page on your website. It is your chance to make a great introduction and should answer questions visitors may have about who you are and why they should buy from you. Written well, the About Us page can be a powerful customer and lead generation machine.

To express your uniqueness

Every business has a unique story. So tell yours. This is almost always the most fascinating part: How you got started and achieved your current position. Potential customers will be interested in what drives you. But this isn’t all about you. Sure, you need to tell visitors who you are, but it must be done in a way that focuses on your audience and demonstrates how you can help them. In so doing, you win their confidence and trust.

To humanise your brand

Bold text, graphics and headlines are a good start when it comes to setting out your page, but nothing catches a customer’s eyes and keeps them on the page longer than great visuals. Revealing some of your story with photos, especially of team members gives customers a sense of who you are as people. Customers like to see who they’re dealing with. Videos are also a fantastic way of entertaining website visitors with short attention spans.

To get visitors to do something

Tell your customers what to do next after reading your story. You’ve gone to all that effort of creating an awesome About Us page. Don’t let it go to waste by leaving visitors hanging in the air. What do you want them to do next? Go to your service or product pages? See your portfolio? Visit your Contact Us page?

To let your personality shine through

Too often, About Us pages are full of jargon and corporate-speak and are devoid of personality. Adopting a friendly tone and communicating as if you are chatting to friends demonstrates there are real humans behind your products and services and that you’re not some cookie-cutter enterprise.

Essential ingredients of an About Us page

What you include on your About Us page can depend on the type of business you’re in. Generally, key elements are a great story, an introduction to your team, your credentials, photos and/or videos, links to other parts of your website and calls to action. The language should be honest and inspiring as well as crisp and compelling to maintain interest.

To recap...Your About Us page is an online asset that shows off your company’s personality and demonstrates what you can do for customers. Your business is unique and your About Us page should be a reflection of that.

PS: Having written a killer About Us page don’t let it go as stale as last week’s bread. No matter your industry, your business is changing and growing. Likewise, your content should evolve so periodically the words need to be refreshed. Also, search engines love fresh content and reward sites that are updated regularly by placing them higher in rankings.

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