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COVID-19: Important update

March 17th, 2020

In light of the current situation with the COVID-19 virus and the ever changing, fluid environment we find ourselves in, we would like to reassure you regarding the services we provide. This will hopefully be at least one thing less for you to worry about.
Here at WEBPRO we have put in place various measures to ensure continued, uninterrupted service for our clients. Our office will remain open as normal and will continue to do so. Our infrastructure is such that our whole team can work remotely if Government deems this necessary, ensuring we can continue to provide the same service to our clients that we do already.
WEBPRO is well provisoned to handle this situation and we do not anticipate any impact to any of our services. This is the case for all existing projects, as well as those due to start in the coming weeks, or even anything new that comes along, should you require it.
These are challenging times but please be assured that we are here to help in any way we possibly can. Should you have any queries about anything or if you require any support, please use the normal contact points which are:
Company Phone Number:  033 33 447 300
Support Team Email:   
Out of hours and in an emergency please contact Anton on: 07725 562 166
WEBPRO is dedicated to our clients and we appreciate your continued business. Please let us know should you have any queries about your website, email, online marketing or any other services we are providing for you.

#Important Update


Tier 2 or lockdown,
we’re always on hand to fix your issues and help grow your business.
Contact our professionals, today!

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