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Google Analytics

Google Analytics: what does it all really mean?

March 31st, 2020

Google Analytics has so much information to help you improve your website, but what changes is it telling you to make?

If you’ve installed Google Analytics on your website, then you’re sitting on a treasure trove of information about your potential clients. Learning how to use it is easy, but turning the data into practical actions to improve your site is a little more challenging.

Here at WEBPRO we have the skills and knowledge to help. Our team are experienced in all aspects of website design and development, as well as online marketing. We’ve put together a few pointers to help you understand what your analytics is telling you:

Who is visiting your website?

First and foremost, you can learn exactly how much traffic your site is getting. What is the demographic profile of the person visiting and how long do they stay? Here at WEBPRO we can use this information to gauge the effectiveness of your website, how your products and services are being found and exactly how we can use our expertise to improve it.

Do you have good traffic but a high bounce rate?

Take a look at the bounce rate of your site, which is the percentage of people that land on your website and exit it quickly. This can happen for so many different reasons, but typically because they don’t find your website content relevant. Look closely at individual pages too, as sometimes your homepage works well, but other key pages don’t hit the mark. We can help advise you on how best to approach redesigning those pages to help improve conversions.

How do visitors move around your site?

Analytics can tell you how users move around your website. Here at WEBPRO we can look at the journey your visitors take and advise on how it can be improved, helping you drive traffic to the pages that really count. We can also see where you’re losing visitors and start to plug the gap.

How many people return to your site after their first visit?

Another important metric you can look at is the percentage of new website visitors compared to returning ones. This tells you whether users are finding what they need on your site. If returning visitors are low, this could mean your site content needs work. Here at WEBPRO, our content marketing services can help you get visitors returning time and time again.

Is your traffic coming from the right places?

If you’re investing a lot of time in social media, then take a look to see whether the time you’re spending is valuable. Looking closely at the Acquisition area of your analytics account can tell you exactly how people found your page. If you don’t have much organic traffic (people finding you through a Google search) then investing in search engine optimisation with WEBPRO can help you appear where it’s most valuable for your business.

Whether analytics tells you it’s time for a brand new website, or if you really just need to work on your content, we can help. Our skillset means we’re ideally positioned to understand how visitors are using your website, and where it can be improved. If you have little to no traffic, we can increase it. If you have traffic but few enquiries, we can help too. Get in touch with our friendly team today who can take a look at your existing site and talk you through the process. We look forward to hearing from you.

PS: Google Analytics has so much information, but it’s so important to understand what it’s telling you in order to help you make a real difference to conversions.

#Lead Generation & Conversion #Online Marketing #Website Traffic


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