Does your website give your visitors exactly what they need, or are you losing prospective clients along the way?
When a visitor lands on your website, can they quickly find the exact information that they’re looking for? If not, you could be losing potential business. A quick look at the stats of any website shows just how impatient visitors can be!
Here at WEBPRO, before we begin the creative work of your website, we look closely at the client you’re trying to attract. We ensure that at every point of the build we’re putting their needs at the heart of your website. Take a look below at a few aspects to consider:
Can users find what they need?
Your starting point when considering how user-centred your website is, is to ask yourself if someone visiting your site can easily find what they need? For example, if you work in the financial sector, can your list of services be easily located? Can users then navigate to look at your industry experience and finally land on an easy way to get in touch?
Are you listening to what your clients are telling you?
Businesses that listen to their clients, are the businesses that will excel. Here at WEBPRO we start by looking at the analytics data for a business’ existing site. We’ll be able to see where visitors land and exactly when and where they drop off. By understanding their usage, and identifying frustrations, we can build a site that better meets their needs.
Does your website tell the user why they should choose you?
Your website is of course your business’ online shopfront, however you shouldn’t simply use it as a platform to shout about how great you are. Instead, you need to look at what all your skills and experience means to the potential client. When we build your website, we listen to what sets you apart from your competition then communicate that to your website visitors, in a way that’s meaningful to them.
Can a user access your website on any platform?
Part of putting your user at the heart of your website, is ensuring that they can access it on whatever device they choose. Whether desktop, mobile or tablet, the look may be different but their experience of using your website should be the same. When designing websites here at WEBPRO, we consider every platform and have a rigorous testing process to make sure performance isn’t compromised, wherever your prospective clients are looking.
Can you anticipate what your user needs before they do?
The true key to having a user-centered approach to your digital marketing, is the ability to create solutions to problems that your potential clients didn’t even know existed! Our skillset here at WEBPRO means we’re ideally positioned to suggest new technologies for your website that can help take your approach to customer service to the next level.
A user-focussed website might seem a tricky concept to understand, or you might feel your website already does the job, but isn’t getting conversions. We’re more than happy to take a look at helping to improve your existing website, or a complete rebuild. Either way, we’ll always start first with understanding your target audience and exactly what they’re looking for, and how this relates to the services you offer. Together we can then build a site that puts your users front and centre!
PS: Putting your clients’ needs at the heart of your website can have a huge impact on conversions.