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Are you creating friction for your website visitors?

July 14th, 2020

Providing a seamless user experience is becoming increasingly important

The phrase ‘frictionless user experience’ might make you roll your eyes, however in an increasingly impatient world it’s so important.

If you’re not familiar with the term, basically it’s the idea that you make the experience with your business as smooth as possible. This means ironing out any friction points, or any frustrations that a client or potential client could encounter.

Here at WEBPRO, we apply that thinking to your website. Below we’ve listed a few questions to ask yourself, to determine how a frictionless user experience could work for your business:

What are the friction points on your website?

Before you consider the different aspects of a frictionless user experience, you need to assess your current website. Get feedback where possible or look at the analytics to determine areas of frustration. We can help you highlight what analytics is really showing you, to identify areas where your website can be improved.

Can a potential client find the information they need quickly?

The most fundamentally important aspect of a frictionless experience is ensuring your clients and potential clients can easily find the information they’re looking for. That means the user experience of your website is key. Our WEBPRO team are skilled at smoothing out any issues and creating a seamless user journey. No matter how simple or complex your project is, they’ll work hard to get it right for you and your website visitors.

Is your website well designed (and fast)?

It’s estimated that 25% of visitors will leave a website if they deem it to be poorly designed, with the same number quick to exit if the page takes too long to load. We provide websites that visitors love to use and they load as fast as the busy consumer expects, ensuring you don’t lose valuable business unnecessarily.

Can a client speak to you when they need to?

Sometimes a potential client just needs an answer to a quick question before they make their final decision whether to choose your product or service. It’s frustrating if there’s no-one around to speak to. Live chat and AI can help to close that gap and, depending on your business, means you’re there for your prospects 24 hours a day. We’re skilled in developing this and we’ll happily walk you through the whole process.

Could positive friction points work for you?

We’ve spoken about how you should remove friction, however it should also be noted that sometimes friction can be effective. For example, it could be a pop up message adding a little more detail about a service, or a list of related products just before you complete a purchase. These carefully considered moments allow a user to pause, and also feel taken care of as you provide them with all the information they could need.

Get in touch with our team here at WEBPRO and let’s start creating the smooth and seamless journey that your users deserve. We have the expertise to advise you every step of the way, and the experience to demonstrate where and why visitors are leaving the site.

We’ve seen firsthand the difference you can make to your bottom line by creating an online experience that your website visitors love. So, what are you waiting for?

PS: Creating a seamless online experience can help you convert more prospects!

#User Experience #Website Design & Development #Website Updates & Upgrades #Lead Generation & Conversion



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